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The Real Secret of


Making Good Men Better

Triangle Lodge #293 History

In reviewing our records, it appears that Triangle Lodge began work under dispensation (U.D. Warrant) as early as November 1, 1945. This task began with a group of twenty-one men, having a belief in what a Lodge of Masons may be able to contribute in an area, located between Fredericksburg, Virginia and Washington, D.C. With a belief in the Great Architect of the Universe, they knew their desires would eventually be fulfilled. 

During the 71st Annual Grand Session of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Virginia, Triangle Lodge #293 was fully empowered to perform all works of the craft. A Charter was issued on October 27, 1946, attesting to the Lodge's current historical records. With the granting of the Charter, a glorious history of Charity, Brotherly Love through Masonry began; which continues to the present day. In May 1948, a small parcel of land was purchased by the lodge for future expansion. The first known meetings of our Lodge were held in the Odd Fellows Hall in Occoquan, Virginia until 1956. It was during this time when Triangle Lodge #293 met in our current building, which was owned by the General Construction Laborers Local 801. 

In 1972, with the assistance from then District Deputy Grand Master John Doles, 31st Masonic District, Triangle Lodge purchased this building. In 1987, adjacent property located directly behind the original property was purchased and the rear building was extended. Finally, in 1990, more additional property was purchased for future growth and lodge use. 

From the first acquisition of a building to call home, in addition to the several additions and improvements, our growth and membership continues our commitment to promote growth in our fraternity and our community.

"Keep Putting in the Work to Build a Stronger, Brighter and Better Relationship with the Community!"

Welcome to Triangle Lodge # 293!

19030 Bethlehem Rd., Triangle, VA  22172

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